Rotary body gets new president
Past RI president Kalyan Banerjee installed RID 3170 PDRR Sahil Gandhi as president of the Rotaract South Asia Multi-District Information Organisation (RSAMDIO) for 2024–25. The event, hosted by RID 3170, was held at Panjim, Goa, on June 15 and 16. It brought together Rotaractors from across South Asia for two days of insightful discussions, formal ceremonies, and cultural experiences. The RSAMDIO serves around 4,000 Rotaract clubs in South Asia across eight countries comprising India, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Nepal, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Maldives.

PRIP Banerjee gave an inspiring speech about the world of Rotary, Rotaract and networking. PDRR Visakha Pednekar chaired the installation event of the incoming RSAMDIO president; PDRR Aniket Jadhav was the event secretary. Host DRR Pranjal Marathe and DRRE Nikhil Chindak ensured the smooth and seamless progress of the programme.
RSAMDIO’s president for 2023–24 PDRR Girish Easwaran and his entire team were present to support the incoming president and the new leaders who were introduced, and their roles and responsibilities were formally handed over, symbolising a seamless transition and the continuous growth of the organisation. Host DG Nasir Borsadwala and DGE Sharad Pai highlighted the responsibilities and duties of the new team and inspired them for effective leadership and community service in South Asia.

ROAR Awards
RSAMDIO president (2023–24) Girish Easwaran felicitated the leaders for their outstanding contribution last Rotary year. Karthik Kittu, the founding president of RSAMDIO, was felicitated with ‘Lifetime Achievement Award’. He was a past district Rotaract representative and past president of the Rotary Club of Bangalore Southwest, RID 3191. Other award categories included district citation, new member district recognition, outstanding DRRs and district Rotaract secretaries and outstanding club, community, professional and international services.
The MDIO’s general secretary PDRR Ganesh Bhat and Gemin Shah, the editor of its newsletter RSA Connect, were honoured with ‘Outstanding MDIO Board Officer’ Award. Seventeen DRRs received the ‘Outstanding DRR Award’ for 2023–24.