World War III has begun… between man and nature: Wangchuk

In a world where violence and conflicts are tearing apart nations and wars are being waged in different parts of the world, environmentalist Sonam Wangchuk left the participants of the Kochi Institute with a different thought when he said: “when we talk about world peace, today’s problem is not the huge war going on between nations but between man and nature. I believe that the World War III is already on between human beings and nature.”

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Inspiring youth and community transformation

On the occasion of International Youth Day, Rotaract Club of Resilience, RID 3011, launched ­Project Bol Bachchan — ­a ­holistic public speaking programme designed to transform shy students into confident orators. “Through engaging workshops, expert guidance and practical exercises, we aimed to enhance communication skills, build self-esteem and empower 45 students to become effective leaders,” says project coordinator Yash Arora.

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Lessons in leadership

Fifty-five incoming district leaders — DRRs-elect and district secretaries-elect — from 30 districts underwent elaborate training in various Rotary aspects such as growing members, strengthening The Rotary Foundation, working with grants etc at the Rotaract Zone Institute hosted by RID 3131 and held in Pune from March 21–24 this year.

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Eco-friendly stoves make women happy

All the 10 tribal families at Sindalachiwadi village in Raigad district of Maharashtra are happy that they don’t have to suffer the daily ordeal while preparing meals in their mud huts. With their new biomass, smokeless stoves donated by RAC Panvel Elite, RID 3131, “cooking has become easy and painless for us. Also, the cooking time is reduced by around 40–50 minutes,” says Pallavi (35). Earlier, she recalls, “with mud chullahs we were exposed to ­excessive smoke, suffered from frequent cough and eye irritation.” Also, the chullah had to be fed with firewood from tree branches, thus it resulted in shrinking green cover in their locality.

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