Focus on women’s wellness
The Rotaractors of RAC Satana Baglan, RID 3030, organised a mammography and cervical cancer screening camp for women in the villages around Satana in Nashik district. The club had the support of their parent Rotary, RC Satana Baglan and the camp was conducted at the Chaitanya Hospital for three days.

“Majority of the women in these rural belts are illiterate and hardly any of the villagers are aware of breast cancer or cervical cancer. In fact, we had to break through their inhibitions and draw them to the camp,” said Akshada Suryawanshi, President of the Rotaract club.
The parent club had arranged for the mammography van and “this was the first time such an attempt has been made in Satana,” she said. Around 500 women were screened.
The club members took out a rally to spread awareness about the cancer conditions, with the van colourfully decorated riding through the streets and lanes attracting attention. Oncologists delivered special lectures on the subject and drove home, among the public, the need for early diagnosis for successful cure of the disease.