Mental wellness project gains traction
A five-day Rotaract project, Hausla (willpower) being conducted by RAC Shri Aurobindo College, RID 3011, for the last five years has benefitted over 1,500 Rotaractors and college students as they were inculcated with a proactive mindset to take care of their mental well-being through a series of programmes.

In September last year, Hausla reached out to 250-plus students through five different events — group therapy session, Google online meet, yoga session, art therapy and a day out with friends — all of which promoted mental wellness by creating awareness on the need to avoid depression, anxiety and stress.
Dr Ekta Khurana, psychologist, gave an inspiring talk to 150 participants in the group therapy session on stressful challenges faced by students during exams, their emotional turmoil and the societal pressure to do well in their life. “She interacted with them and answered all their queries, doubts at the Q&A session,” said Shivangi Pandey, club advisor. On the second day, 50 students exchanged their views at an online meet on how to fend off depression and mental worries through ‘self-care’. “From listening to music to unwind, taking to art like painting, jotting down warning signs or markers, to cultivating new hobbies that make life interesting, the students poured their hearts out and exchanged novel ways to stay positive in a competitive world,” explained Shivangi.

Yoga master Balendru Ray taught simple yogic postures (asanas) for around 15 students at a private garden at Malviya Nagar, South Delhi, to ward off stress and toxic feelings that erupt into depression, while on the fourth day, artist Sarla Chandra moderated a workshop for 15 participants under art therapy. In the final leg of Project Hausla, “around 10 Rotaractors went to Hauz Khas, a shopping arcade lined with eateries in South Delhi, to chill out and relax with friends in a congenial ambience.”
Regular classes on basic English, Hindi, reading and writing and simple arithmetic were held by five Rotaractors for over 60 children and illiterate women at the CGHS slum colony near Vasant Vihar under Project Vidhya. “We held the classes for four days in the afternoon, each not more than one-and-half hours, and it was a satisfactory project for us.” Last year the club did 11 diverse projects that reached 10,000 beneficiaries, and “this year, we hope to touch over 12,000 beneficiaries by continuing with the same set of projects and initiatives,” said club president Rahul Singh.

Some of the projects like Green Hands (planting trees, cleanliness drives), Tamacha to Tobacco (anti-tobacco campaign), Rudhir (MHM sessions), Hope for Paws (caring for the stray dogs) and Taleem (literacy projects) would be carried through “with greater intensity and drive to create good impact,” said Singh. Having joined Rotaract a year ago, “I changed from being an introvert to an outgoing person willing to make friends. Being in Rotaract made me feel good about myself as I enjoy the outreach activities for the community.”
Rahul Singh is keen to become a Rotarian after completing BCom. His colleague Shivangi, who is a Rotaractor for three years now, has completed her BA (English) and “I am looking out for a suitable job. I may become a Rotarian in the near future,” she smiled. Sponsored by RC Delhi South West, the 11-year-old Rotaract club is mentored by Rotarians on project implementation and in getting sponsorship for service projects.