Rotary has a legacy of a sound value system, integrity, diversity and fellowship culminating in good leadership. This legacy is not just a source of pride but a source of strength and inspiration. The legacy of Rotary moves ahead with Rotaract. This is the way forward and one which must be strengthened. I encourage Rotaract clubs and Rotaractors to focus on these aspects as they connect with each other, with Rotary and the community around us. Create a fertile field where young people can nurture the 2 Ts — their Thinking and Talent. Allow your members to use these positively and creatively. Harness the talent of Rotaract leaders and lay a strong foundation for your clubs and Rotaract.
Rotaract has institution-based and community-based clubs. Both have their inherent strengths and challenges. Rotaract leadership must establish a good balance and harmony between these so that they complement each other and make the organisation stronger. For this, the roots must be strong, and the roots are in the clubs. Clubs become strong when a strong foundation is laid. A strong foundation will help Rotaract grow, become vibrant and thrive. Transparent constitutional documents, clear leadership roles, well-organised club meetings, and a good member engagement strategy will ensure your club’s success.
Now that there is an opportunity for Rotaract clubs to be part of Rotary International, I encourage clubs to think of moving positively in this direction. This will not just streamline membership of Rotaract but will also make Rotary-Rotaract relationship stronger. The Rotary-Rotaract partnership can range from mentoring, to leadership development, to working together on service projects and other activities.
In the movie The Lion King, the wise monkey says to Timon, the meerkat: “Look beyond what you see.” It means look ahead into the future with optimism, which enables you to move ahead with confidence. On taking the first step on the moon Neil Armstrong said, “That’s one small step for a man, a giant leap for mankind.” By laying a strong foundation for our Rotaract clubs we can say, “That is a small step for one club, a step forward for Rotaract and a giant leap for Rotary.” That will be the perfect Rotary-Rotaract connection.
Bharat Pandya
RI Director, 2019-21