Demonstrate confidence and leadership

Dear Rotaractors,

Rotary encourages young leaders to take responsibility for their own learning on leadership skills and commitment to serve the community. This involvement assists them in not only growing their leadership, planning and organisational skills but also in developing a sense of responsibility and creating a positive outlook. Involving the youth in such initiatives helps them make their transition into responsible adulthood and engenders social and emotional well-being. Rotaractors are important members of the Rotary family who work in tandem with Rotarians as partners in service to community. Rotary strongly believes that the youth of today are the leadership of tomorrow and developing our youth leadership is important for the future of the community and the country.

As Klaus Schwab, the founder of the Davos Summit, said: “we stand on the brink of a technological revolution that will fundamentally alter the way we live, work and relate to one another. In its scale, scope and complexity, the transformation will be unlike anything humankind has experienced before. We do not yet know just how it will unfold, but one thing is clear: the response to it must be integrated and comprehensive, involving all stakeholders of the global polity, from the public and private sectors to academia and civil society.”

I am inspired by the achievements of 20-year-old Angad Daryani, the young leader who created India’s first 3D printer. At the age of eight he built his own robot and at the age of 13 he started creating his own versions of RepRap 3D printer. He is now working on its modified version and wishes to share it with other makers in India. Having done so much at just 20 and with his willingness to serve the community definitely qualifies him as a young achiever. Angad’s example tells us that every youth has potential to achieve success and organisations like Rotaract, through their close integration with community service, can help them unlock their potential and become youth icons.

I strongly believe youth in leadership roles brings dynamism and a commitment to serve the community. I am sure many of you might have seen the Hollywood blockbuster movie Gladiator starring Russell Crowe as the Roman General Maximus. Before the fight to the finish with Caesar’s gladiators at the Colosseum he delivers an important message to his fellow inmates “stand alone, you die; stand together and we can win.” Positive role models always boost the team’s morale and provide the motivation to excel. Youth have the ability to inspire; youth have a clear set of values and a commitment to community.

Keep doing good work, keep connecting the world and keep inspiring.

C Basker
Director, Rotary International

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