Embrace both success and failure: Pandya to Rotaractors

The atmosphere was abuzz with excitement. The robust cheering came from the young Rotaractors of RI District 3141 participating in the Rotaract District Training Assembly. For the Rotaractors it was an occasion to enjoy fellowship, learn and get recognition.
Addressing a hall full of enthusiastic Rotaractors RI Director Bharat Pandya said. “We are at an exciting time in Rotaract history and in the Rotary-Rotaract relationship. The intent of the Rotaract enactment passed by COL 2019 enabling Rotaract clubs to be members of Rotary International is to elevate the status of Rotaract as young partners of Rotary and also to give impetus to the Rotaract movement.”

He encouraged Rotaractors to begin the Grow Rotaract initiative by focusing on increasing Rotaract membership, forming new clubs and sharing benefits of Rotaract with other youth in the community.
Earlier, presenting awards for good performance in 2018–19 he congratulated outgoing DRR Hansika Shahani for the good work done, and conveyed his best wishes to incoming DRR Kushal Bhuva for a great year ahead.
When it is our time to give, we must plant trees and gardens whose fruits we may never eat, but which will benefit generations to come.
“Our world today is a better place than yesteryears but we tend to focus only on the negative. And we complain and blame the system. Who makes the system? Who will change it? It is you and I. We are the system and only we can change it. We have to begin with ourselves,” said Pandya. Through Rotaract, he added, they had the opportunity to embrace the change by developing and fulfilling their leadership potential.

Elaborating, he said: ‘You must strive for excellence. Often we are content with mediocrity; the “Chalta hai” attitude has to change. We have to strive for excellence. Excellence is not being the best, but trying your best, whether in studies, profession, work or Rotaract. Each one of you must do the best you can.”
He urged them to focus on 3 Cs:
- Commitment: Identifying the right thing to do and then doing it despite challenges and hurdles. Commitment transforms a promise into reality.
- Competence: To achieve anything worthwhile we have to be competent at what we do. Competence requires a set of skills and this DTA will provide you with those skills.
- Confidence: This allows you to stabilise and stretch your limits. Confidence provides you with the momentum to succeed in whatever you do.
Pandya urged the young gathering to be prepared to embrace both success and failure. “We cannot be successful all the time. Success and failure are two sides of the same coin. When successful, enjoy your success. But if you allow it to go to your head, you are on the way to failure. Failure is a natural phenomenon. When you lose, don’t lose the lesson. Failure has to be a stepping stone to success.”
Also, one has to focus on integrity. Integrity in action and deeds is important and necessary to make a mark in one’s chosen field. Integrity is crucial to Rotary and Rotaract “because our work, our resources, our reputation and our good name depends on trust and integrity.

Leaving them with a final thought, the RID said, “When you have made your mark on the world, remember that in the ultimate analysis, we all are merely temporary custodians of our wealth and our resources. The best use of wealth is to share it with those less fortunate. “Baatney se Badhta hain” (By sharing anything, you increase it). I believe that we all have from time to time eaten the fruit from trees we did not plant. When it is our time to give, we must plant trees and gardens whose fruits we may never eat, but which will benefit generations to come. This is your responsibility; a responsibility that I hope you will shoulder in time.”
“Go forth and embark on your Rotaract journey of connecting to the world,” he added.