Hamburg… here I come Opportunity does not knock; it presents itself when you beat down the door.

DRR Girish Easwaran with RID C Basker at the Hamburg Convention.

February 24, 2019, marks one of the most important days of my Rotaract tenure as a DRR. An email trail was sent by PDG Rajendra Rai, RID 3190, directing us to present our achievements for the Rotary year 18–19 which in turn would earn us the pride of representing India at the RI Convention held at Hamburg, Germany.

Fulfilling all the criteria set by the nominating team, I presented my year’s achievements to them and was super excited when I received an email stating that I was adjudged as the best DRR of Zone 5. From being a green Rotaractor to heading a Rotaract club and  becoming a DRR of the world’s largest district did not happen in a jiff. Hailing from a family with minimal monetary support, 11 years of tireless toil, success, failures, setbacks have all definitely taught me the most important life lessons. Meeting fellow Rotaractors from across the globe at the convention and listening to Rotary leaders on their views about the movement was indeed an exhilarating experience.

DRRs Girish Easwaran, Ashima Agarwal (extreme R) and RI Rotaract and Interact Committee Member Karthik Kittu (third from L) with other delegates.

The inaugural address by RI ­President Barry Rassin and the speech by Christian Sewing, CEO of the Deutsche Bank, were outstanding. The flag march was a visual treat. The House of Friendship was a huge resource for various project ideas that I have shared with my home district.

I am glad that I got an opportunity yet again to represent my district at the 2019–20 convention in ­Honolulu, Hawaai.

My sincerest thanks to RI ­Director C Basker, Rotary Coordinator Rajendra Rai and Karthik Kittu, RI’s Rotaract and Interact Committee Member.

DRR Girish Easwaran with Nepal Rotaractors.

The moral and monetary support given by my home district 3232, by Rotarians, Rotaractors and my friends, will always be remembered and I promise to keep the flag of RID 3232 flying high in the years to come.

The writer is DRR, RID 3232.

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