Project Nanhi Kali against girl child abuse

These Rotaractors are committed to sensitising girl children about child abuse and educating them on ways to safeguard themselves against such attacks. With support from parent club, RC Jalgaon East, RID 3030, the ‘Nanhi Kali’ teams from RAC Godavari visit government schools across Jalgaon district of Maharashtra and address girl students on issues pertaining to good touch-bad touch and how to get out of vulnerable spots. This is done through awareness sessions.

Having covered 12 government schools, the Nanhi Kali (a small bud) sessions involve students from Class 3 to 8 who are “vulnerable to sexual abuse, molestation and stalking by anti-socials. We also prod the students gently to reveal if they have experienced such a situation before and counsel them how to protect themselves in future,” says Project Chair Hemangi Mahajan.

Since October 2018, the Rotaractors have conducted sessions for more than 500 children. With a membership of 80 students from the Godavari Institute of Management and Research Institute, the club is also focused on women’s empowerment, for which they organised a one-day exhibition titled Sabala. “We had around 15 stalls put up by small-time entrepreneurs and they were happy to display their products which got sold in no time,” says Hemangi.

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