RIDs 3201 and 3830 sign Twin District Agreement
Rotaract Districts 3830, the Philippines, and 3201, India, signed a Twin District Agreement on March 10 during the World Rotaract Week. The event titled “E-KulTARA” was held online. RID 3830 was represented by DRR Louis Lane Antonio, International Service director Joey Marie F Javellana and DRC Diwi Reyes, while RID 3201 was represented by DRR Keerthi Vivek, International Service director Aghil N J and DRC C G Kumar.
The two districts plan to do joint projects, inter-district visits and promote friendship between the Rotaractors of both districts. The agreement will be for two years. The online meet was well-attended and provided an opportunity for both countries to get a glimpse of the culture and Rotaract activities of each other.
Both the districts plan to execute at least one service project every year and organise at least one physical meeting, in addition to multiple virtual meetings to promote fellowship between Rotaractors. The DRRs agreed to host each other’s Rotaract officers and connect the Rotaract clubs in each other’s districts for better understanding.