Rotaract Outstanding Project Awards 2019

Every year Rotary International honours high impact, sustainable projects of Rotaractors with the ­Rotaract Outstanding Project Award. The purpose of this award is to recognise exceptional community or international service projects that further focus and increase the humanitarian service goals of Rotary International.

Each online nomination form must be submitted by Feb 1, 2019.


Selection process

  • Each online nomination form must be submitted by Feb 1, 2019.
  • Awards will be granted to one winner in each of the designated regions.
  • Awards will also be granted to international winners for projects submitted by a single club, or more than one club or an entire Rotary district, and multi-district projects.
  • RI encourages clubs, districts and multi-districts to work together to maximise their impact and increase collaboration.
  • Each Rotaract club, district, or multi-district may submit only one project for consideration each year.
  • Winners will be announced at the Rotaract Preconvention.
  • Projects implemented between Feb 1, 2018 and Jan 31, 2019 are eligible for consideration.
  • Rotaract clubs that have received an award in previous years are still eligible to receive an award again.

For more details and application form, log on to:


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