Rotaractors strengthen bonds over ROTASIA 2022
ROTASIA 2022, a mega four-day international convention of Rotaractors and Rotaract clubs in South Asia, was celebrated during mid-March at Mahabalipuram, Chennai. RSAMDIO president Arti Goswami and SEARIC MDIO president Kaushal Sahu were the event conveners. PDRR Suresh Manoharan was the event chairman. Over 650 Rotaractors from 32 Rotary districts across four countries converged to enhance fellowship, build networks and exchange information at the event hosted by RID 3232 led by DRR G Kamuvel. “We were super thrilled and charged up to host this mega Rotaract extravaganza in Chennai after 13 years. All Rotaractors were looking forward to it,” he said. A promotional video by Rtn David Raynel with Rotaractors grooving to music at popular Chennai spots was circulated among Rotaract clubs across South Asia.

RI Director A S Venkatesh, the chief guest, commended the organising team for the grandeur and substance the conference had on offer. DG J Sridhar, RID 3232, was the guest of honour and District Rotaract Committee chair Sesha M Sai energised the audience with his vibrant humour. Rtn Ram N Ramamurthy, RC Madras Mount, was a special invitee. PDRR Sujith Kumar, founder, Maatram Foundation, and AVP and HR analyst, Infosys, the keynote speaker, inspired the delegates with personal anecdotes where he did not pass up an opportunity to serve the less privileged.
We were super thrilled and charged up to host this mega Rotaract extravaganza in Chennai after 13 years.
– G Kamuvel, DRR, RID 3232
A grand flag march introduced the participating Rotaract districts from India, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh. Accomplished musician, 17-year-old Lydian Nadaswaram was recognised with the Young Achiever Award at the conference. T R Sivaram, CEO of Classic Polo was honoured with the Example to Youth Award. The current year DRRs were felicitated for their district leadership during the year.

A session by Rtn Bobby elaborated the amazing work done by Rotaractors as Covid warriors, helping people during the pandemic. A panel discussion on #Elevate Rotaract, following the 2019 CoL that introduced amendments to the constitutional documents to include Rotaract clubs as a membership type of Rotary International, was the major highlight.

Multi-cultural dance performances, stand-up comedy and DJ nights provided the entertainment quotient for the vivacious audience. The conference ended with felicitations to the incoming DRR Gowtham Raj and his team.

“Rotasia was an exuberant experience for all of us and it gave us an opportunity to develop friendships beyond language, culture and borders, and polish our leadership skills. The event made each one of us proud to be a Rotaractor and be associated with Rotary,” says Sathishkumar, president, RAC Ambattur.
For DRRE Gowtham Raj, the mega event was “an incredible experience. The knowledge and the acquaintances made here will be cherished for life. Rotasia 2022 is very special to me as this is the first time I was part of organising such a rich and grand event.”