RAC Khamgaon conducts medical camp at rural village
Medical camps conducted in villages are a timely help for the patients who have no access to hospitals and medicines,” says Sachin Purwar, IPP, RAC Khamgaon, RID 3030. The club has been conducting medical camps in villages around Khamgaon for the past nine years. Recently the club conducted a medical camp at Hivarkhed village, 25km from Khamgaon.

Mahadev Hatkar, a resident of Hivarkhed, helped the Rotaractors organise the camp. “He promoted the camp by going door-to-door asking the villagers to register for the camp,” says Purwar.
“Neighbouring villages frequently had medical camps. This is the first time our village hosted a camp and had visitors from other villages,” says Hatkar. Apart from addressing chronic ailments such as diabetes, hypertension, orthopaedic problems and eye disorders, the camp also had a gynaecologist who helped women understand menstrual hygiene.

“Physically-challenged, pregnant women and elderly persons are the biggest beneficiaries of our annual camps,” says Dr Bhagat Singh Rajput. Along with his team Rajput screened, tested and treated over 250 villagers.
Many of the villagers are daily wage workers and they hardly have the time or money for a visit to the hospital. Most of the time they go to a doctor only when their condition turns worse.
Purwar points out that “many of the villagers are daily wage workers and they hardly have the time or money for a visit to the hospital. Most of the time they go to a doctor only when their condition turns worse. Camps like these help screen and identify the problems at an early stage.”

Close to 10 Rotarians from RC Khamgoan and 22 Rotaractors from the club were present at the camp to take care of the arrangements.
The club donated sarees to women from poor economic background. The club also conducted a biscuit distribution drive in slum colonies.