The vibrant world of Rotaract

From belonging to a Rotaract club in Pune that has been formed exclusively for the visually-challenged, to continuing with passion their work on improving menstrual health hygiene across the country, to inculcating the habit of making a donation to The Rotary Foundation, Rotaractors have been active in our zones, despite the challenges presented by the Covid pandemic, as detailed in this edition of Rotaract News. And, of course, when it comes to fun and sporting activities such as participating in a 10-km cyclothon in the city of Bharuch, organised by RC Bharuch, to create public awareness about health and fitness and the urgent need to reduce our carbon footprint in the world through the use of non-fuel consuming vehicles, Rotaractors and Interactors of the club participated in full force.

It is interesting to see over the last decade Rotary International giving more prominence to its Rotaract youth force. One RI president after another has stressed the importance of this 117-year-old organisation not doing enough to unleash the power of its young wing. The result is that in the last few years Rotaractors should have less and less scope for complaining, as they did at an international event I distinctly remember, to John Germ when he was RI President. Without pulling their punches, they clearly told him that if Rotary wanted Rotaract numbers to grow, Rotarians should stop looking at Rotaractors as their slave force! Clearly, it was respect and recognition that they were seeking, and it is abundantly clear that they have got just this over the last few years.

First, during the term of Barry Rassin, one of the most passionate votaries of Rotaractors, Rotaract was made a part of Rotary, and now, as a result, a Rotaractor can have dual membership —
that of both Rotary and Rotaract. And the incoming RI President Jennifer Jones has plans to appoint Rotaractors as Rotary Public Image Coordinators and RI President’s Representatives.

It is heartening to know that many Rotaractors across the world, specially in community-based Rotaract clubs, are making wonderful use of the opportunity to seek out a mentor in a Rotarian who happens to be an experienced and highly skilled professional in the vocation that this Rotaractor is interested or engaged in. This kind of opportunity and leverage only Rotary can offer.

So go ahead and make full use of this wonderful opportunity and continue to push your limits to create magic in your communities.


Rasheeda Bhagat

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