Shaping young minds through RYLA
Rotaract District 3011 organised a RYLA programme which had a participation of 220 Rotaractors from 80 Rotaract clubs in the district, 30 Interactors and 10 Rotarians.

The two-day event featured insightful sessions by 12 speakers including a financial literacy session by Rtn Sanjai Seth from the Rotary Club of Vasant Valley and a digital literacy programme by Onkar Khullar, popularly known as ‘Digital Gandhi’. Lessons in leadership, time management and communication skills also formed part of the scehdule. “We had RI President Gordon McInally inspire us through his virtual address,” says DRR Kriti Malhotra.
The delegates had a fun time playing Holi the second day. “It gave everyone an opportunity to bond and build friendships that would last a lifetime,” she smiles.

The district organised a training assembly called Lumos for 140 aspiring Rotaract leaders. More than just imparting crucial knowledge on Board roles and responsibilities, Lumos offered a unique Hogwarts-themed experience, fostering camaraderie and enriching the learning journey, smiles Kriti.

Seasoned trainers expertly guided participants through sessions on leadership skills, operational management, member engagement and communication strategies. Interactive workshops provided practical tools, while a dynamic team-building activity further solidified bonds and encouraged teamwork. “Lumos wasn’t just about acquiring knowledge; it was about creating a vibrant community. The Hogwarts theme, complete with house sorting and immersive activities, added a touch of magic, making the experience both memorable and enjoyable,” she adds. Participants left equipped with newfound skills, strengthened connections and a passion to contribute positively to their clubs and the district.
Game on was another district event which brought the Rotaractors together. Over 100 Rotaractors participated to display their athletic prowess and competitive spirit at the Rotary Public School grounds in Gurugram. Cricket, athletics, badminton, chess, carrom, and a thrilling treasure hunt were among the varied games that captivated the participants and onlookers alike.

Rotary Club of Gurgaon supported the sporting extravaganza. DG Jeetender Gupta visited the venue and encouraged the Rotaractors.